The plugin system is still under development and the API is subject to change. If you want to develop a plugin, please open a discussion to share your progress and issues you might encounter.
Plugins will likely have to interact with the Query Cache, more specifically, listen to actions with $onAction()
It is recommended to create plugins as functions to accept any options and return the plugin itself. This way, you can pass options to the plugin when creating it.
import type { PiniaColadaPlugin } from '@pinia/colada'
interface MyOptions {
foo?: string
export function PiniaColadaDebugPlugin(
options: MyOptions = {},
): PiniaColadaPlugin {
return ({ queryCache, pinia }) => {
queryCache.$onAction(({ name, args }) => {
if (name === 'setQueryData') {
// args type gets narrowed down to the correct type
const [queryKey, data] = args
} else {
// ...